Gifts of the Sea
This series of work has been made in memory of writer, artist and playwright Tracey Trinder.
Just prior to Tracey’s diagnosis, she recommended a small book called Gift from the Sea (by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1955) which ruminates on sustaining creative life in the midst of family, love and loss. It is as relevant today as when it was written.
Tracey’s love of her family and her friendship to many was a gift as constant as the sea. This series is in gratitude that you washed up on my shore and fit in the palm of my hand.
In the Palm of My Hand
Poem by Angela Maryska
I am drawn to scan the shoreline
The ghosts of washed up debris
Soles grinding coarse sand and jagged rock
Tide pushing back on each step
Seeking a gift of the sea
The strength and beauty of broken remnants
A friendship found,
Smooth and sun warmed in the palm of my hand
A fragment reclaimed,
Cool from the unseen depths
The shape of what remains,
Sense the undulations
Follow the hands lead
Heart laid bare
Pared back, eroded, simplified
Trace a slow deliberate stroke
Line after wordless line